Saturday, January 16, 2010

Purell Herpes Has Anyone Every Heard Of Putting "purell" On Herpes Lesions (genital Or Cold Sores) ?

Has anyone every heard of putting "purell" on herpes lesions (genital or cold sores) ? - purell herpes

I just someone on the internet with his injuries Purell (base of the scrotum) when it reaches a break and swears by it! He explained that the changes disappear rapidly. Has anyone heard? I have heard that alcohol kills viruses, but that wouldnt burn deteriorate and cause of the outbreak?


☺ . CIEL . ☺ said...

The breakdown products of alcohol are generally effective for killing germs. Regardless of whether these products are a hard core that kill the herpes virus is very doubtful, and the person may get a false sense of security.

Alcohol-based products are for killing germs on hard surfaces (non-organic-cons, etc..) When used in other parts of the body size is still good, but not always as reliable. Therefore, before surgery with iodine preparations are being made ... not just alcohol.

To obtain a credible opinion, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

angel_30 said...

If you really want to put white vinegar to get rid of them and start taking vitamin C per day .... Reason that broke out at the beginning is B / C amuine body system was weak. Avoid vitamin C to build up your system more amuine ... Good luck

Oh, by the poor that need it, can apply to the vinegar more than once. (Take the vinegar until everything collapses or goes to give away, 3 times a day and burn a little cb / their food in the garbage ... Continue under the C and will not return from .... Please tell me if it works for you? who worked for many PPL

This allows the herpes virus to kill and keep dormitory is

♥MuAH♥ said...

Never heard of them either! I know exactly on lysine! The garlic, Epsom salts, all natural way. Not sure what you're talking about? I also heard about the alcohol, but, wow, I can not imagine.

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